We support the United Nations Global Development Goals

We are on a mission to empower everyone with personalized energy intelligence to Take Responsibility for their Own Climate Impact by Making Smart Energy Choices That Reduce Costs & Cut Carbon Emissions.

In the year 2000, the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development were created. While we can be the generation to end extreme poverty, in average only 18% of concerned citizens that care about global issues do anything about it. Not because of indifference but rather for lack of access to tools that enable committed societal engagement.

Picture | UN Sustainable Global Development Goals | Quantum New Energy, ESG & Sustainability

Our Alignment with the United Nations Global Goals

Picture | UN global goals | Quantum New Energy | Quality Education

Goal # 4
Quality Education

Our platform EnerWisely is based on science and math. It provides equitable and inclusive access to energy education and empowers everyone to learn and understand the impact of their energy consumption.

Picture | UN Global Goals | Gender Equality | Quantum New Energy

Goal # 5
Gender Equality

We are a Minority Woman Owned Small business. We focus on attracting and building diverse teams with equal representation of empowered women.

Picture | UN Global Goals, Affordable & Clean energy, Quantum New Energy

Goal # 7
Affordable and Clean Energy

Our platform EnerWisely transforms unused energy consumption data into personalized energy intelligence for everyone, so that consumers can make smart energy choices that reduce costs and cut carbon emissions.

Picture | UN Sustainable Development Global Goals | Innovation | Quantum New Energy

Goal # 9
Industry, Innovation, Infrastructure

Our platform EnerWisely empowers everyone to optimize their energy consumption contributing to more resilient, reliable and cost-effective grid and energy infrastructure.

Picture | UN Sustainable Development Global Goals | Reduce Inequality | Quantum New Energy

Goal # 10
Reduced Inequalities

We partner with organizations representing and advocating for the advancement of minorities. We believe that equal access to energy intelligence is critical to sustainable energy abundance and bridging the economic divide.

Picture | UN Sustainable Development Global Goals | Sustainable Cities | Quantum New Energy

Goal # 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities

The advancement of human prosperity and the use of power go hand on hand. EnerWisely enables communities to engage citizens inclusively ensuring that nobody is left behind to address energy poverty issues and achieve climate action goals.

Picture | UN Sustainable Development Global Goals | Responsible Consumption | Quantum New Energy

Goal # 12
Responsible Consumption and Production

Our platform EnerWisely empowers everyone, including ourselves, to optimize their energy consumption and eliminate energy leaks, which subsequently helps optimize supply and production.

Picture | UN Sustainable Development Global Goals | Climate Action | Quantum New Energy

Goal # 13
Climate Action

Climate justice is one of UN Global Goals. Our platform EnerWisely empowers inclusive societal action and empowers everyone to take responsibility for their own climate impact by cutting carbon emissions.

Picture | UN Sustainable Development Global Goals | Partnership | Quantum New Energy

Goal # 17
Partnerships for the Goals

We empower energy consumers to make Smart Energy Choices that optimize their energy usage, reduce costs, and cut carbon emissions. We also offer enterprise solutions and partner with those who aspire to move faster and go further in building a sustainable future.